Your relationship feels like a challenge sometimes. And you've thought about getting couples and marriage counseling. But what good would it really do? Does couples counseling really help? Is it worth the time and money to come to counseling sessions and talk to someone when you've already tried … [Read more...]
Work Out The Winter Blues
The winter can be a very difficult season for a lot of people. Post-holiday bills, gray skies, and cold winds are enough to make a person want to hibernate until the spring thaw. In the book, “The Exercise Cure,” Dr. Jordan Metzi emphases both the physical and mental health benefits for moving … [Read more...]
Mindfully Abiding
There is a lot of information out there about mindfulness, some of which can be pretty intimidating to think about incorporating into our daily lives. It can seem cumbersome to think about counting your breath, keeping your posture straight, and letting go of each thought that comes to your mind. … [Read more...]
5 Secrets of Effective Communication
Here is a great podcast to help you learn how to communicate more effectively! … [Read more...]